Is it Worth it to Hire a Professional Genealogist
Recently, I have seen the following question in a few Facebook groups.
Is it worth it to hire a professional genealogist?
The replies were enough to aggravate any professional genealogist. Here are just a few comments I read on this subject:
- They offer crappy research.
- I proved the information they gave to me is not true.
- They are just taking your money.
Here are some places I recommend to anyone to look when hiring a professional genealogist:
- Get a recommendation from your local genealogy society.
- Get a recommendation from your local research library.
- Get a recommendation from a friend that is active in the genealogy community.
- Search for a professional genealogist on the APG website.
Some things you might want to know before you hire a professional:
- What is their genealogy education?
- Are they certified through the BCG or ICAPGen? (I am not saying they have to be certified to be a professional.)
- How long have they been researching?
- Can you get any recommendations from past clients?
- Are they affiliated with any societies, or organizations?
- Are they active in the genealogy community?
Personally, I believe that it is worth it to hire someone to help you get past a brick wall or even do on the ground research in a location that you cannot get to. It can be cheaper than you planning a trip to get one record. Remember, not everything is on the internet and it could be another decade before the record you need will be put online.
My experience====They did not find anything that I had not already found. The information I have was copied from a family bible which I saw when in JohnsonCounty Nebraska where it is housed.
I have proved all the information as found there.
Wish I had some new ideas of where to search.
Barbee, Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I am sorry they did not find anything more for you. I hope you come back and read tomorrows post, it goes a bit deeper into this subject.