Weekly Prompt #16: Goals, Not Just Resolutions Anymore
We have been asked to write our genealogy goals. So we can look back and see what we’ve accomplished. Thanks to Amy at We Tree, for you great ideas to keep us writing. Thanks to Genea Bloggers for reminding us of these great ideas.
In the beginning of the year, I put together some goals for my research. Before I talk about new goals, I think we should review the old ones.
1. Find out who the parents are for John O’Connell. (No progress as of yet, see post on my brick wall ancestor)
2. Find out who the parents are for Bridget Curran O’Connell.(no progress yet)
3. Place the remaining 2 O’Connell’s at St Paul’s/St Mary’s Cemetery into the family tree. (no progress yet)
4. Go to NY and visit the cemeteries and get photo’s of grave markers (St Paul’s/St Mary’s, Black River and Mount Carmel). Plus meet the family I have found. (planned for June with my Aunt)
5. Continue to blog my research and findings on a regular basis. (continuous work)
6. Start more in-depth research on the Springer line. (have not started yet)
Ok for the 6 goals that I started the year with, I have only progresses on 2. Not so good. But, it is not for lack of trying. I just have not had a successful search for these items. As everyday passes, my research has moved to different family lines. So, I truly do want to work on the first 6 goals still, I want to add a few more.
7. Katherine Stuart, need to document this relationship which I have just started working on yesterday. According to other online family trees, she is a direct ancestor. According to legend “she is a descendant of King Charles”.
8. I have thought about applying to DAR, need to make a decision and work from there.
9. Want to find who the Mason was that sponsored Nettie Warden to the Order of the Eastern Star.
10. Need to make contact with the Warden side of my family. Email went out, waiting on reply!