Wedding Wednesday: Fred Jaeger and Ella Jonas

Marriage License

Marriage may be Celebrated , in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, between Fred Jaeger of Chicago, in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, of the age of 25 years, and Miss Ella Jonas of Chicago, in the County of Cook and the State of Illinois, of the age of 20 years.

Certified by H. Sterling Pomeroy, Judge of the City Court of Kowance*, Ill. serving in the Circuit Court of Cook County on 26 November 1918.

Registered and filed 23 December 1918.

*Having been born and raised in Cook County, I have no clue where Kowance is. I have done a little bit of research on the internet and the only thing it brings up is Kewanee, IL which is in Henry County. Henry County is no where near the city of Chicago. Hopefully, someone reading might be able to give me a clue as to where this town was.



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  1. Hi
    I also have a marriage certificate for my grandparents, who were married in Cook County IL in 1927, which is signed by H. Sterling Pomeroy. Mine clearly says “Judge of the City Court of Kewanee, Ill.” I’m also confused as to why a judge from a different city and county was marrying people in Cook County. Anyway, hope this information helps you.

    1. Pam, thanks for taking the time to comment. I spoke with a genealogy friend and she too has family that married in Kawanee. Like us, she has no clue why. This is something I will be looking into. Once I find an answer I will blog about it. Please keep reading so that you will have an understanding as well.

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