
Waiting to Hear From the DAR

Last winter I attended the Dupage County Genealogical Society Conference, sort of. I was there, but I was working the vendor hall for the Illinois State Genealogical Society (ISGS). It was a great day spent in the vendor hall with others from ISGS and getting to know the vendor hall, from the vendor side. Spending time during sessions talking to the other vendors was the best part of my day. A few tables away from the ISGS table was the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) table. I was able to talk and share my tree (via ancestry) with Linda at the DAR table. I shared my Revolutionary direct line with her because I wanted to know how much more information I would need. She took my information and advised I would hear from her soon.

Within the next week or so, I had an email from Linda that I really had all the documentation that I needed to get back to my patriot. The only records I would need would be current records: mine and my parents birth records and my parents marriage record. Not too bad. I was kind of excited because I met with someone a few years back and was told I needed so much more information (let me stress that I have not really researched this line recently). So, off I want trying to get the two records I did not have, the parents marriage record (thanks, Susan Clark for getting this one for me!!!) and Dad’s birth certificate.

In August, I met with Linda again to sign my paperwork and give her a money order for my application. I now sit and wait for the approval. I believe they said I should probably hear something by October some time. I am on pins and needles awaiting word on this application. Now to find my son’s paperwork for the Son’s of the American Revolution (SAR). We filled it out awhile back, but with all the issues at the house, I cannot find it (at the moment). But I know he is wanting to join the SAR.



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  1. Oh Terri, I am just green with envy. But the waiting is awful too. Best of luck with the application. I’m sure it will sail through.

    One day…

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