Transcription of the Will of W. T. Warden

The following is a transcription of the will of W. T. Warden, my 4th great grand uncle.1

Will of W. T. Warden
“West Virginia Will Books, 1756-1971,” database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 15 July 2015), Raleigh > Will book, v. 002 1814-1936 > image 80 of 315; county courthouses, West Virginia.


I, W. T. Warden being of sound mind and deposing memory do make this my last Will and
Testament, hereby revoking all former wills made by me.

1st. I direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses be first paid out of my

2nd. I Give and bequeath to my two sons James A. Warden and Anderson Warden the house
and lot where I now live and purchased by me from W. E. Quesenberry to share equally be-
tween them.

3rd. I give to my daughter Daisy Furgeson my black mare Thelma.

4th. I give to my son T. A. Warden all my sheep, being all the flock except the ten ews
and their increasing belonging to my wife Catherine.

5th. I give and bequeath to my wife Catherine Warden all of my household and
kitchen furniture, now in the house were I live.

6th. There is some settlement between Anderson Warden, my son and me, I direct that he
be required to pay the amount of my funeral expenses in full settlement for the amount due
me for timber.

7th. I give to my beloved wife, Catherine Warden, my ten shares of bank stock of the
Raleigh County Bank, on condition that she pay to my four daughters, Annie L. Guy, Mattie
J. Bair, Daisy Ferguson, and Eva May Hodson, two hundred and fifty dollars each.

8th. I give and bequeath to my two sons James A. Warden and W. Anderson Warden, all

the rest and residue of my property, all kinds, consisting of money, bonds, notes and ac-

counts, to have at my death.

9th. I hereby constitute and appoint my son, T. A. Warden, as executor of this, my last

will and testament and direct that no bond be required of him.

In TESTIMONY whereof I hereunto set my hand and affix my seal, this the 10th day

of April, 1921.

W. T. Warden

We, J. E. Summerfield and D. B. Jarrell, hereby certify that W. T. Warden signed

the above writing as and for his last will and testament in our presence and that we at his

request and in his presence and in the presence of each other signed our names as witnesses.

J. E. Summerfield.
D. B. Jarrell.


This day there was presented to the clerk a certain paper writing as and for the
last will or W. T. Warden, deceased, signed by said testator, and J. E. Summerfield and D.B
Jarrell, as witnesses thereto. Thereupon said witnesses appeared before the clerk, and af-
ter being duly sworn, testified that said testator signed said will in their presence, and
that they, at the request of the testator, signed said will in his presence and in the pres-
ence of each other. It is therefore considered that said paper writing is proved to be the
last will and testament of W. T. Warden, deceased.
Thereupon T. A. Warden qualified as executor of said will by taking the oath
required by law.



The foregoing WILL OF W. T. WARDEN, was this day presented in said office and
admitted to record.

TESTE: Jackson Smith Clerk.

  1. “West Virginia Will Books, 1756-1971,” database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 8 July 2015), Raleigh > Will book, v. 002 1814-1936 > image 80 of 315; county courthouses, West Virginia. 



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