Top 10 Most Popular Posts

I started blogging on 2 Nov 2008, so just over three years. When I originally started my blog, it was on Blogger. Originally it was titled Climbing The O’Connell Family Tree. When I started to blog it was to keep track of my research which was mostly on my O’Connell line. After five months of blogging, it was obvious that my research was not going to be only on my O’Connell line. If I did, my genealogy life would probably be non-existent at this time. This line has been the hardest for me to research.

So, I decided to make some changes. First, I moved the blog over to WordPress because I liked the crisp look it had. Then I changed the name of the blog, because I was searching for more than O’Connell family members. That is how Finding Our Ancestors was started. Today, I will share the 10 most popular posts since I have started blogging.

10. Matthew Brodrick and Episode 4 of Who Do You Think You Are? – He is a star and heck its all about the episode of WDYTYA

9. How my Brick Wall Came Tumbling Down – We all want to know how to break them down

8. My Last Grandma – A post about losing my last living grnadparent

7. What Kind of Neighbor Are You in The Genealogy Neighborhood – A serious question for all genealogists

6. Top 10 Genealogy Websites – Everyone likes to see what websites other people like, these were my favorite when this post was written

5. Genealogy Technology – Genealogy and technology, our favorite things

4. Non-Tech Vendors Not Allowed – RootsTech did not want non-tech vendors to be a part of their exhibit hall. After all the hoop-la Rootstech changed their mind.

3. December 3, 2009, Christmas Tree Ornaments – Pretty, shiny things to look at.

2. Top 10 Things I learned in Breaking Down my Brick Wall – Every day we learn something new

1. Mayflower II, Plymouth Rock and The Mayflower Society – My visits to these places



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