December 18, 2009: The Other Holiday Happenings
My eldest child, Brittany, was born a short 14 days after Christmas on January 8, 1989. This birthday is the big one, 21! How did that happen so fast, I swear it was just yesterday I was running after her trying to keep the ponytail holders in her hair. Little girls, they are a handful and a joy all at once. Though she is now in college and doing her own thing. I am so proud of her. She is the second child in our family working towards a college diploma. I know that for many families this seems strange, but in my family everyone got married and had babies early. Brittany has 1.5 years left for her under graduate and we will see where she goes from there. Granny passed away 2.5 years after this photo was taken.
Three generation photo
November 2009
Terri, Mary Lachney, Brittany
This picture was taken in OH, in 1989. Brittany was 9 months old. The dress she is wearing still hangs in our house. My Mom bought the dress for her Uncle’s funeral, which is why we were in OH. On this day, we were lucky enough to take a 5 generation photo. Not only was it 5 generations, but it was 5 generations of women! This picture is generation 1 (Mary), generation 4 (Me) and generation 5 (Brittany).
As for her birthday’s, I do not feel any of them were ever small because we just had a holiday. All in all, I think we did a great job making sure her day was special. We never celebrated it during the holiday either, we celebrated the week of her birthday with special dinners out, maybe a play and even a Broadway in Chicago show!
Another birthday that is celebrated around the holidays is my Mom’s. This year Mom is turning 60! See her picture above with Brittany and myself. It seems like Mom’s birthday was always lumped in with Christmas when we were growing up. My parents were divorced and we lived with my Dad, so we had to give Mom her birthday present at Christmas. This year is different! Mom has moved out-of-state and our plan is to go and see her. It was going to be a surprise, but Grandma has been diagnosed with Lung Cancer, so Mom now knows we are coming because she had to help me pick dates that would be better for a visit with Grandma. I plan to still make her 60th very special!
Thank you, so much, for sharing these birthday stories.
Bill 😉
Our daughter Bridget was also born on 8 January. When we joined the Orthodox Church (when she was 10) she was asked to chose the name of a saint for her chrismation. She chose St Julia of Carthage on 16 July, because it was as far away from Christmas as possible. And now she has been studying in Greece, it is just as well, because Greek people can’t say “Bridget” – they spell it Mpritzet! Anyway, congratulations to Brittany on her 21st, may God grant you many years!
Steve, thanks for stopping by and reading. Happy Birthday to your daughter as well!