Staying in Historical Places: Ashford Castle
I mentioned in my post about The Quiet Man that we stayed at the Ashford Castle. It was one of the things I really wanted to do.
Staying in a castle! It is not really something we can do here in the US. Yes there are some castles on the east coast. But, nothing like the Ashford Castle and certainly not something as old as it.
We happened to get very lucky and stayed in the oldest section of the castle, built around the 1200s. To me, its amazing that anything that old still exists. As strange as it sounds, I had to touch the exterior walls. To think of all the people who have been there before us, and will be there after us. It’s truly an amazing feeling.
On our first day while walking through the castle we came across a small room that had a desk that held an old-fashioned hotel register book. It is left open, with a pen next to it, for guests to sign. Of course, I took that opportunity to place my signature among the many others.
Every piece of paper that you pick up shares the history of the hotel. It is nice to see that some places find this important. We did take the lake Corrib history tour and learned so much about the castle, the land and the surrounding area. I hope to follow this post up with a brief post in the future about what I learned.
I took so many pictures I thought it would be best to put them into a video to share. I hope you enjoy them.