SNGF: Facial Hair
It has been a long time since I participated in Saturday Night Genealogy Fun, hosted by Randy Seaver at Genea-Musings. This weeks looked fun, so I though I would join in.
Here are the directions from Randy:
Your mission this week, should you decide to accept it (cue the Mission Impossible music!) , is to:
1) This week we’re going to look for men’s facial hair in our photograph collection.
2) Find one or more photographs of men in your ancestral families that have facial hair – a mustache and/or a beard.
3) Show the photograph if you have it and tell us a bit about the person shown. If you don’t have a digital photograph, please describe the man and his facial hair the best you can.
4) Write your own blog post, or a comment to this blog post, or a comment on Facebook or Google+.
Here is my addition to SNGF:
Robert Warden b. 22 Nov. 1820 to Thomas Warden and Nancy Black. He married Nancy White abt 1844 and they had seven children. Robert and Nancy are my 4th great-grandparents on my maternal side.
Robert is in the middle of the photograph (in the article below) with the long white beard.

Here is a zoomed in look at Robert. These are the only pictures I have of him. You can definitely see the old mountain man in him. I love that the old newspapers are available to find this information on our ancestors. This article tells the story of the family moving to Raleigh County and how Robert stood guard of the property, by himself, with nothing but his dog and a gun, at the age of 14 for six weeks waiting for the family to complete their move. He surely must have been a brave young man to do this.