School’s in Session, Post 5

US: Census Records was not so bad this week. We went over the different census records you can find, besides the Federal Population. I found the Native American Schedules interesting, just because the government deemed who was countable and who was not. When they finally got around to counting all Native Americans, the Census is lost in the 1890 fires. Ughhh! How aggravating for anyone researching their Native American ancestors. I actually completed this class in one day, no procrastination needed. Finally!

This weeks learning: Maps are important for any genealogist to utilize. Understanding the border changes will only help us with our research, especially when it comes down to ordering records at the county level, we can accidentally try to order a record from one county when are ancestors are living in another. Same thing when it comes to the States or the different Territories of the US.

On a personal note, I wish I had a history teacher that was passionate about the subject. I sailed through my history classes being bored and uninterested! When my eldest was in High School we went to Open House,  and I can recall two different years that I loved her history teacher, because they brought the subject to life. I remember wanting to be a part of her class, just to enjoy the discussions or take part in the cool projects they were doing.

Only one week left and then 2 new classes to start. There is a good possibility that I will start my new classed before the six weeks is up on my first two. Next up on the list are:

US: Vital Records, Understanding and Using the Records

Electronic Resources: Using the Internet

Hopefully there will be some good material to review here as well.



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