Saving My Genealogy

On the first Saturday of December, the Chicago Genealogy Society was treated to a lecture by my friend, Pat Biallas of GeneaJourneys. The scope of her lecture was 1930 era Chicago. While the lecture was fantastic, it is not what I want to discuss. Though, if you get a chance to hear Pat speak, do it! She is a fabulous story teller! At the end of her lecture, people were asking many great questions. One of which is one that we as genealogists discuss all the time: What will we do with our genealogy research when we are done? 

Will we pass it on to:

  • Our children?
  • A local genealogy society?
  • A niece or nephew?
  • A grandchild?

This is a great question and the answer will be different for each and every one of us. Most of you know that the Allen County Library will take a family book if you have already done that. But, did you know that Newberry will accept your family book as well.

Leeds castle library

The stipulations I was given are this:

  • It must be bound.
  • It cannot include the actual records (so make sure to cite your sources within).
  • It does not have to connect to Chicago in any way.

This excites me to know that I can put together a book for my entire family and Newberry will still accept it, even though we have only been in Chicago since the 1920’s. My roots are from all over and will some day be easily found at the Newberry library, because I definitely plan to bind my family information and pass it on to Newberry in the future.



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