Saturday Night Genealogy Fun: Brick Wall Ancestor (post 1 of 2)
Randy Seaver at Genea Musings states:
“Awake and arise, you wonderful Genea-Musings blog-readers, and know that it is Saturday Night – time again for more Genealogy Fun!
We all have “brick wall ancestors” – those for whom we cannot find a complete name, or identify a set of parents. By posting information about a “brick wall ancestor,” someone might find your post and be able to contribute to your knowledge about that ancestor.
Your mission, should you decide to accept it (and I sincerely hope that you do) – is to check your files and sources, advance to your keyboard, and:
1) Identify one of your “brick wall ancestors,” and tell us about him or her. What do you know? What would you like to know?
2) Tell us about this person in a blog post of your own, a comment on this blog post, or a Facebook comment or note. Be sure to leave a way for readers to contact you.”
Here is my SNGF reply,
I have put some thought into this weeks “Fun,” which ancestor do I write about? John O’Connell, I have been stuck here for a long time! Bridget Curran, I seemed to have shed a bit of light on her in my recent trip, hopefully. Do I highlight the of them, they were married after all. Or, do I go out on a limb and pick someone else? My thought is to sit down and go through all information I have on John and his family. Go through each census record and transcribe the information onto a census form for each census I have and then pull it all together again, then add in the things I learned while on my trip east. Check back later this evening (maybe early tomorrow to see what I decide to do) and see how it all turns out.