Reviewing 2011 Resolutions
Here are both my goals and the steps I plan to take:
1. Attend a conference, it has been great networking with others in the field, but I would like to actually meet some of you. Since IL is hosting FGS this year, I am hoping to be able to attend. Springfield is not too far that I cannot make this happen.
In June, I attended SCGS Jamboree, met many great people and had a great time. If you get a chance to attend, please do.
2. Continue research on my O’Connell line. Find out more about Denis O’Connell and his parents.
None of these goals have been completed to date.
- Check for marriage records
- baptismal records
- death records
- obituaries
- ship records
- naturalization records
3. Start researching Teahan line. Specifically Helen Teahan.
None of these goals have been completed to date, I have searched for some of the records and have not found anything so far.
- Check for marriage records
- baptismal records
- death records
- obituaries
4. Spend time giving back to the genealogy community by transcribing records. I plan to start this with Restore the Ancestors Project. I am not going to give myself an actual goal of how many records I would like to do, but I will keep you up to date as I move forward with this.
I did not do the Restore Your Ancestors Project, I had problems with Footnote/Fold3. However, I did transcribe for FamilySearch (298 records) and BillionGraves (275 records). Obviously I have not transcribed a large amount, but this was a first time goal and any help is help.
5. Education – I have 1 class to finish for my first set of classes that I am taking through NIGS. I hope to finish this one and move on to the next group.
Yep, did not finish this either. I started a new business and time to work on this has been minimal. I will probably have to resign up for this class. I did take an additional class that was quicker than ASM1, and I completed it.
6. Blogging – I spent an evening looking back at 2010, it seems that I am not consistent in my posting. I want to commit more time and post more consistently. I have recently found that if I actually write with pen and paper I seem to get more done. I have committed a notebook specifically to the blog and hope this will help me. I also hope to move the blog to a self hosted site in the near future.
Blogging has been up and done throughout the year, though I have not had as many views as I did in 2010. I did have a few record breaking months for me.
Even though I did not attain many of my goals, I did take steps towards them. For my O’Connell research, I have joined the Irish American Heritage Center and I am attending genealogy meetings there.