
Review: JustaJoy

I briefly learned about JustaJoy from Thomas MacEntee a few years back when he had the owner, Joy Shivar, on his weekly talk show. Though I thought the idea was cool it was not something I took the time to look into.

While at the Ohio Genealogical Society Conference in 2014, I spent a few moments talking to Joy and her husband, George, about their website. According to their website:

The JustaJoy.com Family Heirloom Exchange is an outgrowth of a successful antique business owned by Joy and George Shivar. JustaJoy Historical Treasures is well-known throughout the South for offering ‘investment grade artifacts of the American experience.’ Exhibits have been seen in many states at Civil War, antique, military, black history and gun shows. Throughout this time, the need for a way to alert families about items available in the antique world became overwhelming and the website was born.

Imagine finding something in an antique store that belonged to your ancestor. The joy you would feel for making such an amazing find. The purchase is obviously going to happen because you must own this piece of family history.

Now imagine that this great piece of family history is for sale in an antique shop in a place you have never been, a place your family never lived. You will never be able to make the purchase and add this piece of family history into your collection of heirlooms.

Enter JustaJoy, they make the connections with antique dealers and have them upload items for sale on the JustaJoy site, bringing them into the public for all of us to have the chance to purchase. Without JustaJoy we would never have the chance to make some of these purchases.

To be a member on the site, you have to pay an annual fee of $20. That’s about four cups of fancy coffee, not to bad considering what you have the potential of getting out of this membership.

Once you have your membership set up, you are allowed to enter up to twenty different surnames that the website will watch for you. When they find an item that matches your surname, they will email you to let you know what they have found. This is what its like to go antique shopping while you sleep!

Sign up for JustaJoy and let them search for your ancestors while you work, play and sleep.

Disclaimer: The In-Depth Genealogist was given a one year subscription in order to review the website, the review is our own words. 



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