Research in the Raleigh County, WV Wills
Going through the wills of my some of my ancestors has been a bit eye-opening for me. My mom’s family came from West Virginia and by all counts, were poor. Truthfully, that was really only one side of the family; my grandmothers side. My Grandfathers line seems to be they were pretty well to do, at least the Warden line was.
While transcribing the will of Thomas Warden I was able to see how well the family did, at least with land. Thomas left a total of 700 acres of land to his children, plus one-third of all his land to his wife, Martha and finally the discussion of the farm for his son David J for the purpose of:
carrying on the suit against Susan Baldenburg + others and paying all costs in the case.
At this point, I have no clue what 700 acres of land would have cost in at this time, and I do not know exactly when or how Thomas acquired all the land. I guess that is research for another day.