Planning my Days for Rootstech
Rootstech is coming up quickly and as I promised last month, I spent some time planning the lectures I would like to see. Some of them might be at the same time as others, but it will help if the rooms are over crowded to have a back up plan.

Wednesday, February 27th:
- Visual Phasing – Stephanie Saylor
- Managing Global Collaboration in a One Name Study – Paul Howes
- AncestryDNA Lab – Crista Cowen
- FindMyPast and Living DNA Town Hall
Thursday, February 28th:
- Surname Studies – Michael Cassara
- General Session – Patricia Heaton
- Making the Most of Your DNA Matches with Living DNA – Katie Welka
- Relative Race
Friday, March 1st:
- Breaking Down Brick Walls – Lindsay Fulton, Dave Lambert, and Ginevra Morse
- Landlords and Tenants – Brian Donovan
- General Session – Saroo Brierly
- Chromosome Mapping – Blaine Bettinger
- FamilySearch TownHall
- Finding the Poor and Destitute – Brian Donovan
Saturday, March 2nd:
- A Deep Dive – Bettinger, Bush and Perl
- You Need Both – Angie Bush and Joshua Taylor
- General Session: Jake Shimabukuro
- Your DNA Story – Ross Curtis
- Scottish Research – Christine Woodcock
To preplan your days at RootsTech, see the their schedule.