Packing for Jamboree
Last night, I started writing my list for what I am bringing to Jamboree. Of course, the list started with my electronics and from there went to clothes and necessities.
Here is my list so far:
- Camera (should I bring the point and click or the digital SLR) and charger
- Iphone and charger
- Computer and charger (need to keep this blog updated)
- Genealogy business cards
- Notebooks (one for blog ideas and one for any notes, just in case)
- Pens (need to be able to write in notebook)
- Sunglasses (for the cemetery tour)
- Listing of classes offered (I’ve marked the ones I am interested in)
- clothes and personal necessities
The question then comes to, should I bring my video camera? Both of my regular camera’s will take small amounts of video, but will I want to take more? I have no clue since I have never attended before. My goal is to pack into a small carry-on suitcase, please help me decide what I do not need to bring!