Organized, Not So Much
At the end of 2014 I swore that 2015 would be the year of getting organized. Not only for my genealogy, but for my home as well.
January started off pretty well for my home, I organized the linen closet, my office closet and a few other things, and that is where my organization ended. Well for the house anyway.
As for my office, I did not do much either. I separated a lot of my paperwork, after I bought some bins to house everything in. So, I have three bins with paperwork that needs to be separated more and filed. It’s a lot to do. I know it.
My office is in complete disarray! I have genealogy, travel, crocheting and sewing stuff everywhere. Plus, I have someone who stays overnight in my office regularly (it’s also our spare room). So, once again I am stating that the next year I will be organizing all aspects of my life; genealogy, travel, crafts, and my home (my basement is in great need of this). The question is, how will I do it?
Well, here is my answer…
Dear Myrtle is bring back her organization lists (I remember listening to her podcasts about getting organized when I first got serious with my genealogy) with Finally Getting Organized. My goal is to take part of this so that I can at the very least get one part of my life organized.
I have already put together my planner for 2016 and I am going to use that to keep me on task with everything.