On The Road To Jamboree
Ok, it was more like in the air to Jamboree. But, this was a better picture.
I left Chicago to early in the morning for decent people to be up. Once I got through security and settled down with my bags, the wait went very quickly. With my eagerness to get to CA and be done with flying, I could not wait to board the plane.
Chicago was having it’s share of bad weather, since about 12am that day. Lightening and thunder. It actually kept me awake most of the night. So, I here I sit at the airport with about 2 hours of sleep.
Once everyone boarded the plane and it seemed we were about to take off, we got the lovely news that the airport had been shut down. Of course they waited until the plane was boarded, why let us wait where we have room to move around.
I seemed to be the lucky one, our delay at O’Hare was only 10 minutes and I was extremely grateful for that. The unfortunate part is that because of the storm our plane had to fly further north than was intended and we were about 45 minutes late getting into the Phoenix airport.
While departing the plane, we were told that all connecting flights were close by and they were hopeful that we would all make our flights. Let me start by saying, yeah right! I had to run (and I never run) to my gate and through that run, I went over at least six of the flat escalator movers. Six! I flew out of O’Hare which is a LARGE airport and I have never walked this much in O’Hare!
By the time I got close to my gate, I saw that the plane had already departed through one of the monitors. I was so not happy (I think it even left early)! I went to the nearest gate and asked the lady if she could please rebook my ticket so I would not have to walk the rest of the way (I still had 8 gates to go).
Rebooked and ready to go, I looked at the ticket and was so not happy! I had to go back to the area that we disembarked the first plane. All the way back, and then some. I was beyond angry. I had another 2.5 hour lay over and was just pissy because of it.
I went and had a quick breakfast at Burger King, and I had a good laugh. This is the first time I saw a self-serve BK. How do you “have it your way,” when everything is already made? I should have taken a picture to share, but I had way to much crap with me.
Sitting and waiting for my plan proved to be a bit fun. I got to people watch, and that is always fun. I will never understand the parents that walk away from their young children and then yell at them because they are not standing right next to them.
I also watched facebook and the #scgs11 stream on twitter to see how things were going for other Jamboree attendees. I was thrilled when I saw that Joan Miller of Luxegen Genealogy was waiting for the same plane as I. Airport internet connect was crappy so it took about 15-20 minutes for me to figure this out. But, I was happy to meet Joan and her husband before even getting to Burbank. We had seats that were close together, so once we landed in Burbank, the three of us walked to the hotel together.