Off to Colorado to Meet my Aunt
I started my genealogy journey in the mid 1990s and within the first year a maternal aunt found a sister via the ancestry message boards. It has been over 15 years since then and the sisters have met and so has some of the their extended family members. There is a large difference in ages between the two sisters. The older sister is from my grandfather’s first marriage (actually his first child) and the other is from his third wife. A few years back, I finally gave up on the thought that I would get to meet this unknown aunt. She is the last sibling that survives my grandfather’s first and second marriages, I really was upset that it would never happen.
Something amazing happened last night! My aunt called to tell me that she received an invite for the 90th birthday of her sister and did I want to go with. Oh, and by the way the party is this Sunday just outside of Denver. It was a no brainer! YES, YES, YES! I want to go. But in reality it comes down to this, can we afford for me to go someplace last minute and will the airfare be at a reasonable price for travel in a few days.
The stars aligned for me! I cannot believe it. By 10pm last night I was able to book my flight. I am more than excited to meet my aunt for the first time. Not only that, but also meet her family that will be at the party also. I am beyond thrilled that this story is going to have an ending that involves are getting together, finally. I am also excited to bring her the information that I found on our shared O’Connell line. This line is how she met my Aunt Terri via the message boards and it is a line that I have been able to get back further than others.
I am so thankful that I have family that will stay at home to take care of my fur kids. Without them, I would not be able to get away.