New Release: Credentials for Genealogists: Proof of the Professional

Gorry Research
*** for immediate release **** 8th October 2018
Credentials for Genealogists: Proof of the Professional
Gorry Research announces the publication of Credentials for Genealogists: Proof of the Professional, written by Paul Gorry, a professional genealogist with 40 years’ experience of client research. It is a resource for both accrediting bodies and those seeking professional credentials.
In this book, Gorry unapologetically advocates for credentials for professional genealogists. The book highlights the work of the various accrediting bodies worldwide, which have long provided such credentials. While Gorry notes that relevant credentials are not open to every genealogist, largely due to linguistic or geographical restrictions, he concludes that currently the majority of practitioners do not have accreditation and fail to recognise it as a necessity. His view is that credentials are essential for the sake of genealogy as a profession, for the integrity of the conscientious practitioner, and for safeguarding clients’ interests. Given that genealogy is uncommon as a profession, with most practitioners starting out as hobbyists, it has, in the past, appeared to lacked respect from academia. In more recent years much energy has been invested in gaining wider respect, but this has sometimes led to moves to exclude from the profession those whose training is not through academic courses. Gorry argues against such limitations, stating that credentials attest to a practitioner’s skills and experience, regardless of the career path that has been taken. For almost 40 years Paul Gorry has enjoyed an often high profile career in the field, one which has particularly equipped him to provide insight into the world of the professional genealogist. In his 232-page book he comments candidly and revealingly on how it has changed since the mid-twentieth century, noting how it has become subject to increasing public interest and commercial influence.
Additionally, the book provides background on the various accrediting bodies, as well as guidance on developing a career in genealogy, on training courses and on other organisations that provide support for professional genealogists.
Credentials for Genealogists (ISBN 978-1-9164480) can be purchased online for €16.00 (plus p&p) from Blessington Books []. It will also be available at the Accredited Genealogists Ireland (AGI) stand at Ireland’s annual family history fair, Back to our Past, at the RDS, Dublin, Ireland, (19-21 October).

About Paul Gorry:
Paul Gorry has practiced as a professional genealogist since 1979. He holds credentials as a Member of Accredited Genealogists Ireland (MAGI) and is a past President of that organisation. He is also a Fellow and Vice President of the Irish Genealogical Research Society and a member of the International Society of Family History Writers and Editors. This is his fifth published book.