My Process For Entry Into The DAR
Today I went to our local FHC and met with a representative for the DAR. I sent my request in through the DAR website on 13 Jan 2010. Just under a month ago, though it seems longer.
At our meeting today, we went through my family tree and she entered it into the DAR system. I was then told what sources I will need to send this information to their genealogist to go through. I have most of the marriage records I need, I will need to find a few more birth and death records and I will be ready to send everything in. From what I understand, the DAR gives out the DAR #’s in April and July. According to the representative I spoke with, she believes I will be able get in on one of those groups. I hope this will be the case. Tomorrow evening I will start ordering the few vital records that I need to get this process moving.