Motivation Monday: Week of February 20
Since I did not really take time to plan out this post, I am just going to give an update on what I did complete this last week.
Research – Nothing really added this week, though I did through a picture of an obituary I had up on Twitter yesterday which I was needing some assistance with finding out about a company that was names in it. I received answer right away and need to do some more digging on this person. There will be a blog post in the future.
Writing – last week I was organized enough that I had 3 blog posts up and ready to go for the week. Not so much for this week. This is obviously going to be a work in progress for me.
Organization – I actually started cleaning up my desk and made a few decisions how I am going to handle all the paperwork that I have. Spent part of today at Staples getting some of the supplies I will need to do all of this. Woo hoo! I feel like I am making some progress. I actually went through 2 rather large piles of old papers and junk email that I had sitting in a bin waiting for me to take the time to decide if it was something I needed to file for the future. The good news is that I have a 30 lb garbage bag 1/2 full of crap that I can get rid of. Bad news is now I have some filing to do. Ughh. That will probably be a goal for March.
Education – I wrote my mission statement for my upcoming genealogy business and posted that for ProGen. I still need to finish my citations assignment. I want to reread the chapters that were assigned and be prepared to chat about everything on Sunday. Next Sunday will be super busy since that is also my Irish Genealogy Meeting at the Irish American Heritage Center.
You’re doing great!! How are you going to organize for the Fort Wayne trip? I love that you used twitter for your obit. I missed that!
Oh – the link up on my blog goes to last week’s entry. You might want to change it or add another. 🙂
Thanks, Steph! The monthly goals seem to be the way to go. I hold myself more accountable than I have in the past few years.
As for Ft. Wayne, I will email that to you.