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It’s Been A Crazy Few Days

Here it is, Saturday night and Jamboree 2011 is almost done. How sad it will be to leave tomorrow. I have met so many great people and have truly enjoyed yourself.

Unfortunately, the internet here has been spotty at best. I have had such difficulty trying to tweet, facebook and even blog. Once I get home I will be able to put my thoughts down and write a few posts.

Tonight, we Elyse held the “unofficial” pajama party in the hotel lobby and about half of the people actually wore their pajama’s. A good time was had by all. I am sure many photo’s will be circulating via twitter and facebook.

Tomorrow is another early morning and then we have to check out at one (thank good for late check out). It is sad that I had to go to the front desk and request this in my pj’s. Though, from what I hear others they had to beg to get the extra time. My plane is not until 7pm (ish) so, I have time to have some fun with those who are staying until Monday.

Hope everyone is enjoying the tweets, facebook and blog posts and I cannot wait til I get home to blog about my experiences.



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