Interested in a Celtic Genealogy Cruise

Would you be interested in a Celtic Genealogy Cruise?

I have been working behind the scenes with Christine Woodcock on putting together a Celtic Genealogy Cruise in 2019. The plan is for the cruise to take in Ireland and Scotland, and perhaps also England, depending on the port of departure.

A Genealogy Cruise with Research Opportunities

Unlike other genealogy cruises, this cruise will allow for research at the local archives on the days when the ship is in port. The learning will happen onboard during time at sea and then the research opportunity will happen in port.

For the port of departure, learning about the records will happen ahead of time and extra days on land will be added to the cruise dates to allow for research at that port as well.

Our goal would be for the cruise to take place in either the late spring or early fall.

If you don’t have ancestors from any of the ports we dock at, you will be welcome to join a regular sightseeing excursion, during the time the others will be at the archives.

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  1. How useful would this cruise be for someone looking to gather information on ancestors from the Isle of Man?

    1. Greg,

      Because this is still a work in progress I cannot give you a definite answer at the moment. I recommend you sign up on the list and as we have more information on the cruise and what exactly we plan to cover, you will know.



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