How Often Do You Recheck Websites For Records

Well, that is a great question! My reply to this question is, not often enough.

About two weeks ago, my sister-in-law Peg started emailing a family newsletter to everyone. She is passing on all of her family information and stories she has found in her research. The newsletters are awesome and I hope to share them here in the near future. My brother-in-law Dan, has always been interested in family history – but has never attempted any research. After reading the family newsletter, Dan called me to let me know he had been on and was wanting to take over my research on his mother’s Russian line. I am extremely excited that he wants to research the family, but I do not want to give up on the research I started about two years ago. Call me stingy, but this Russian line has been extremely difficult to research and I love to share the news with everyone when I find something and what it has told me about the family.

In the past two weeks Dan has found many new records on his Russian ancestors and we are learning more every day. This is what brings me to my question…

How often do you recheck sites for records?

Since Dan has renewed my interest in the Russian line, I have been re checking and to see what they have on this line and many others. My findings have been wonderful. So far, I have been able to add death records, marriage records, naturalization records to many family members. I plan to get these posted here in the near future.

I normally read the posts on site updates by Randy Seaver and many others, but I never really take action with those specific updates. This week, Randy posted What’s Coming From the World Archives Project? I actually followed the links on this one and found many new records. Many thanks Randy for your continued dedication to the genealogy community. I appreciate all you do to keep the rest of us up to date.

Last year, I put up a post on on a brick wall I had, the result was others finding records I had not. All because I was not re checking these sites. So, I put this question to you, how often do you recheck the genealogy sites for new records?



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