How Do You Utilize The Calendar Feature In Your Genealogy Program
Randy has once again come up with a great idea for SNGF. So, here we go…
Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to:
1) Open your genealogy software or family tree program of choice and make yourself the highlighted person.
2) Find out how to create a Calendar to show birthdays and/or anniversaries of yourself and all of your ancestors (or all relatives, or all persons – your choice!). The “Help” button is your friend here!!! It can be done in all of the current software programs.
3) Create your calendar. Pretty it up if you want. Save it. Can you show us a page from your calendar – say January 2010?
4) Which of your ancestors (or relatives, or descendants – your choice!), if any, were born on 30 January?
Have fun with this. How can you use this information during the coming year?
I use Reunion 9.07, creating the calendar took all of 1 minute. Reunion shows the calendar in a list format, which is ok. It does give me the option to save it, but I did not choose to do this. I can also create alerts to let me know when dates are approaching. As for the month of January and the 30th of the month, I have no birthday’s, death’s or marriages to report.
I have decided that in the coming year, I could use this tool to do a few things:
- Spotlight relatives on my blog
- Double check facts/sources on that specific ancestor
- Decide who to work on for that specific day
Randy, thanks for the great ideas that keep everyone thinking weekly.