
Getting started on your families genealogy can seem like a daunting task. Some might think it is too much work for one person to do. A bit of advice for all those looking to start is this:

  1. Begin with yourself
  2. Collect all the data in your house and your parents house (by collecting the vital records for each family member)
  3. Interview the elder family members for their memories
  4. Transcribe all the data you have collected into a database that you prefer

Research Websites:
Family Search
US Genweb
Cyndislist (Cyndi’s List is a website is “A comprehensive, categorized & cross-referenced list of links that point you to genealogical research sites online).1

Educational Websites:
Family Search Wiki
Ancestry Wiki
The In-Depth Genealogist

Legacy Family Tree Webinars
Illinois State Genealogical Society

Family Tree Magazine: Free Forms
Ancestry: Charts and FormsFamily Search: Research Forms
Archives: Charts and Forms
Facebook: Genedocs Templates

Evidence! Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian by Elizabeth Shown Mills
Evidence Explained by Elizabeth Shown Mills
Mastering Genealogical Proof by Thomas W. Jones
Genealogy Offline  by Claudia C. Breland
Genealogy Online by Elizabeth Powell Crowe
How to do Everything Genealogy by George G. Morgan
Unpuzzling Your Past: The Best-selling Guide to Genealogy by Emily Anne Croom
The Unpuzzling Your Past Workbook by Emily Anne Croom

Magazines (all are paid subscriptions):
Going In-Depth by The In-Depth Genealogist
Family Tree Magazine
Your Genealogy Today
Internet Genealogy

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