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Friday at Jamboree

For breakfast, I met up with Elyse, Ron Arons and Steve Morse for breakfast. Had a good discussion with Steve about DNA testing, why and when it should be done. Definitely gave me some insight and hope to be able to attend one of his lecture’s in the near future.

I went to a few classes today, my favorite being Prostitution in the Wild West with Jana Sloan Broglin, CG, OGSF. What a topic! To be honest, this one was not on my list. Everyone I talked with raved about Jana as a speaker, so how could I resist?

Beginning this session, I thought it would not affect anything that I had researched in the past. Boy, was I wrong. If you find a female relative in a census, running or living in a boarding house. Take a second look and see who is boarding there and what they have stated as their profession.

I knew that my great-great-grandmother ran a boarding house in Maine in 1900, after her husband had passed away. I could not wait to check out the census records and look into this a bit more.

It took me a few days before I could check this out because internet was very spotty for most of the weekend. I did get a chance to look things over late saturday night and it looks like it was a boarding house. Most residents were male, and laborers. I was glad to find the families virtue intact, but also sad that I missed out on such a story.

I skipped the next session and hung out at Bloggers Island chatting with other bloggers, mostly about the Prostitution sessions.

Next up for me was Finding Your Irish Ancestors – Are There Really Any Records? by Margo McKinstry, AG. To be honest, the Irish classes were where I really wanted be at. My darn O’Connell line has been so difficult to research. When I went into this, I thought it would be mostly about the Irish records, but it seemed to be geared more towards what was available at FamilySearch. This class was a great intro to the subject and really set me up for a saturday class.

Tonight we hung out at the grill/bar and had happy hour appetizers for dinner! Yummy!



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