Follow up Friday: Decembers Goals, Week 1

So, on Monday I posted my goals for the month of December,  you can read that post here. Today,  I want to take a few minutes and update where I am for week 1.

So, here are my goals for the Month of December:

  1. Visit Rosehill Cemetery and find Graves of the Felske Family Complete
  2. Visit St Luke/Lucas Cemetery and find graves of the Freiburger family Complete
  3. While at the above listed cemeteries, take pictures to add to Billion Graves  Complete
  4. Since the weather is starting to change and cemetery hunting is ending, I want to continue to transcribe for Billion Graves So far I have transcribed almost 300 stones
  5. Reread the BCG Manual for my ASM 1 class for NIGS and schedule my first telephone call. Also, read the article assigned and follow up with the live meeting required for the class
  6. Continue with my blogging efforts by utilizing my list of upcoming posts to publish So far I have blogger every day of Jan., I believe 2 posts per day (except today)
  7. Continue research into my Jonas and Jaeger lines Received letter in mail about Jonas line, (no connection yet) but still researching



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  1. You’re doing great!! I need to recap where I am. Not nearly where you are. LOL Here goes… Small goal – scan photos (this weekend because I need to have dh move the scanner!)
    Bigger Goal – Family History Scrapbook project (Shh…. tomorrow…)
    ASM1 – I’ve read nearly all of the articles as well as BCG Manual and another. Moving onto the assignments next week. That’s progress, right? lol

    1. It is progress! I’m holding off on the reading and thats what I need to get done! So that’s my goal for next week!

  2. You’re both doing great! And I think I’m working right on schedule, but I wish I could write faster, think faster, etc.
    My blog posts are written, plus one. Not all posted yet as they are to be used through the month.
    Photos are being scanned, I think that’s really about done!
    Blogging schedule created in Excel. Will need to use it to see if it will fill my needs or if I’ll need to tweak it. Need more blogging ideas for the new year.
    I did indexing this week for FamilySearch. I’m rather bored with the project I’m working on so I’ll have to go look at what other options I might have there.
    And I got the family Christmas newsletter written, cards addressed and stamped!

    1. Way to go Leslie! One step at a time is how we will finish each month! I am doing the same thing I have Monday posts scheduled through mid Jan. and then Tues, through tomorrow, so far.

      I have not looked at my blogging schedule that I created because I have so much out there already. I need to print it and put it up at my desk to get me moving towards the rest of the month. (lets hope)

      I started my year indexing with FamilySearch, not sure how much I have completed with them. I liked doing the draft cards, nice and easy. Census records are overload for me. Though, I might rethink that once the 1940 census is released. Right now, I am indexing for Billion Graves and like that. Its nice and quick.

      Exciting that you got your cards and newsletter completed. I worked retail management for many years, so I stopped with the Christmas cards. One year, I might get back to sending the out again.

      Keep up the good work!

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