Derrynane Ogham Stone
On our way to Derrynane we just happened across the Ogham stone. I about caused an accident when I yelled stop to the hubby. We were at the end of our tip and one of the things I wanted to see was an ogham stone and we had not come across one yet. I had done a google search the night before and did not even see the one at Derrynane in the list, otherwise I would have been looking for it.

I was so glad there was a place to pull off the road so we could get out and take some pictures.

It seems that every turn we took on this trip there was something cool to see. I made sure we did not miss one of them. There are many webpages devoted to ogham stones and their carvings so I will not go into the details of the letters. To learn more about the Derrynane Ogham Stone read here.