
Comparing Autosomal DNA

I tested my autosomal DNA when Ancestry was still in beta testing. I was excited to do it, but had no clue what to do with it. Once in a while, I will open it up and take a look at the results. Mostly I am interested to see if I have any new cousin connections that would be closer than 3rd cousins. Yeah, not yet.

Last week, my FB friend True posted some of the discrepancies she has seen in her results across the different platforms. This intrigued me. So, I decided to take a look at the results I had across the different platforms: AncestryDNA, Family Tree DNA and DNA Land.


Ancestry Heritage Map
Ancestry Heritage Map

Ancestry Heritage List, Autosomal DNA

Family Tree DNA

FTDNA Heritage Map
FTDNA Heritage Map
FtDNA Heritage List, Autosomal DNA
FtDNA Heritage List


DNALAND Heritage Map
DNALAND Heritage Map
DNALAND Heritage List, Autosomal DNA
DNALAND Heritage List


Looking at the maps you can see the small differences. In my next post, we will talk about the differences that I found a bit odd.



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  1. Great Piece Terri! This will be a Good Visual for both of us. I so enjoyed going back and taking another hard look at things. So much is changing. Im gonna enjoy our side by side comparisons.

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