Catholic Cemeteries Change the Information Available on Their Kiosk
I went to my local Catholic Cemetery this morning to do a quick look up for a friend on facebook. She is have a hard time finding an ancestor that she is not sure of what last name she was buried under. I figured I could go and use the kiosk and hopefully find her.
Well, today I learned that the powers that be, that control our access to the records have made some changes. On 3/14/2012, their was an update to their system and as of that date, you can only look up who is buried in that cemetery. Previously, you were able to look up all the Chicago area cemeteries.
I questioned the gentleman in the office and he did not know they had made that change. He was nice enough to check the other cemeteries for me (its good to see they did not change that). He did say that he was going to make some calls to look into the changes with the information on the kiosk, because it was not something that they had been made aware of. I will be keeping an eye on this to see if they change it back and keep you posted
Oh good grief! Seriously! I hope that was just an error on their IT department. If not that is really sad.
I agree, which is why I questioned it right away. Hope they change it back, quickly!
Bummer! it was so convenient to visit the closest cemetery to get info on ALL of them. Seems like a step backwards to me (technologically speaking). Let’s hope this isn’t a permanent change!
I know! I would go over there with a list of people to look up for other genealogists in IL. I hated to see people drive so far when I could literally walk a few blocks for the info.