I’m Attending a Family Reunion

In August I will be attending a family reunion for one of my Mom’s families. This is my second invite to the reunion. Unfortunately, last year I was not able to attend. I am super excited about this reunion because it is for the Warden family. Though this reunion if for a specific branch of the family, but they do get attendees from other branches as well. My 2nd great-grandmother was a Warden, Nettie (Warden) Richmond. She married John E. Richmond, and they raised their family in Stanaford, WV (on property that was originally Warden land).

Photo Credit: Helen Bobis via FreeImages.com
Photo Credit: Helen Bobis via FreeImages.com

I cannot wait to attend the reunion for many reasons:

  1. To meet family members.
  2. To add more information to my tree.
  3. To see if I can find out more information on S. Martha Black (she married Thomas Warden). She is a brick wall for me.
  4. To be able to archive family stories.

It’s not a lot, but it is my first time attending and I do not want to overwhelm everyone because I have an obsession with genealogy. Plus, I am up for some fun too!



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  1. Hi Terri. My husband’s family reunion was last Saturday. Thought I’d send you pix of the 3’x4′ family tree display I made showing the first 4 generations in America, but you don’t have a function to do so. If you send me your e-mail address, I’ll send them that way. I had to scan all the photos from his mom’s genealogy book she put together years ago, print the photos, and figure out the arrangement. It was a job, but something everyone seemed to enjoy. Then, Mom conducted a trivia game based on the info in the chart (it also included a brief narrative), with a prize of course. My husband won!

    1. Kay, you can email it to me toc5871 “at” aol.com. I believe I am going to go to the reunion next year, I have a few ideas planned for sharing information. I want to create a binder on the family broken down by generation and then also a large family tree bringing it forward as much as possible. The one question I was asked at the reunion was how do we add the current generations (many had an old print out of the family information). I told them to feel free to send any information my way and I would be happy to keep it all. The last thing I want to put together is some sort of video with photos of family members as well. I have a year to work this all out…

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