A Short Break
We are doing a small bit of home renovations and I need to take a short break. I hate having to admit I have more on my plate than I can handle. May was an extremely busy month from my family and I still have not caught up on all the things I need to. Unfortunately, with all the travel we did during May leaves us with plenty to do around the home. In a nutshell, here is what I did in from end of April through May:
- Road trip to South Carolina
- Pick up 1/2 of daughters stuff from college
- Chicago Genealogical Society Meeting
- Walk for MS
- Pick Daughter up from college
- Road trip for sons college graduation
- Road trip to St. Charles for the NGS Conference
- Road trip to Iowa for my sisters wedding
- Irish Genealogy Meeting
You can see that it was a pretty busy month. I took on two new positions with the Chicago Genealogical Society and that will keep me pretty busy too.
So, this week I probably will not get a chance to post anything else. I am hoping to get a few blog posts written for the next few weeks so I can get ahead of schedule (again). This is hard for me to do because this is the first year that I have actually posted pretty consistently since January.
Stay tuned, I will be back soon.