52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks: Denis Connell
I had this great idea in the beginning of the year. Participate in the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks, hosted by Amy Crow of No Story to Small. Unfortunately, I have not been very good at keeping this up. My hope was to get through both side of my family and I am currently still on my paternal family. I have not even touched my maternal line and there are only 6.5 weeks left in the current year. I hope to finish up the paternal lines before the year ends, that way I can spend 2015 working on my maternal line.
Denis Connell was born roughly in 1820, Ireland. No, exact date has been found to this point and no positive information has been uncovered to tell us who his parents are.
The first record we find Denis in is his marriage record to Ellen Fehine on 21 Feb 1840 at St. Johns Catholic Church, Dromtarriff, County Cork, Ireland1. Denis and Ellen had nine children, seven of them born in Ireland.
Ann b. 8 Feb 1840 in Dreomalour, Dromtariffe, County Cork, Ireland2
Michael b. 12 Nov 1843 in Paal, Dromtariffe, County Cork, Ireland3
Eugene b. 12 Nov 1843 in Paal, Dromtariffe, County Cork, Ireland4
Ellen b. 13 Aug 1854 in 30 Sep 1849 in Fairyhill, Dromtariffe, County Cork, Ireland5
Johanna b. 13 Aug 1854 in Garraveasogue, Dromtariffe, County Cork, Ireland6
John b. 27 Dec 1857 in Garraveasogue, Dromtariffe, County Cork, Ireland7
Daniel b. 1863 in Ireland8
Edward b. 1868 in Fair Haven, Rutland, Vermont, USA9
Sometime before the 1870 census, Denis’ wife Ellen disappears from records.
Denis marries a second time to Julia Seymour before 1871 when they have their first child. Denis and Julia have three children:
Alice b. 17 Jul 1871 in Poultney Rutland Vermont10
Patrick b. Mar 1874 in Fair Haven, Rutland, Vermont11
Thomas b. 3 Nov 187512
Currently, I have found no information on the death of Denis Connell.
Anna Connell Baptism)
John b. 15 Aug 1841 in Dromalour, Dromtariffe, County Cork, Ireland ((John Connell Baptism ↩1870 US Federal Census, and 1880 US Federal Census, Ancestry.com ↩
1880 US Federal Census, Ancestry.com ↩
Alice Gilrain Death, Ancestry.com ↩
1880 US Federal Census, Ancestry.com ↩
WWI Draft Registration Card, Ancestry.com ↩