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10 Reasons to Attend a Genealogy Conference

Edge Conference at Google New York

Genealogy Conferences, sometimes we just cannot wait for the season to start. Sometimes, it is hard for the newer genealogist to make the decision whether to attend or not. They might not have a friend that is into genealogy and willing to tag along. The price might seem too high. Here are some reasons why you should attend genealogy conferences.

  1. Networking with other genealogists – As a genealogist one of the most important things you need to do is network. Someday, you will not have an answer to something of importance that could pertain to your genealogy or maybe even a client; but if you network at these conferences you just might have a friend with the answer.
  2. Learning – With all the different lectures you have the ability to attend, the learning is endless.
  3. Vendors – The vendors are there to sell their wares. This is a perfect time to purchase a book, a new subscription to that website you always knew you needed. Or maybe you need a new gadget to scan your documents.
  4. Giveaways – The conferences always have some great giveaways. At the ISGS Fall conference, I won a book by Dr. John Philip Colletta and a year subscription to the World Edition for Ancestry.
  5. Support your local society – Though the societies are not making large amounts of money of the conference, they could use our support. See 10 Reasons to Join a Genealogy Society.
  6. Keynote address – The Keynote speaker is always a great reason to attend the conference. At ISGS, Dr. John Philip Colletta delivered a wonderful keynote address on friday evening. I now know that if he is within a good driving range, I will make every effort to hear him speak.
  7. Meet the local librarian’s – Some of the local libraries with genealogy programs will have their librarians in the vendor hall to discuss what they have going on for the next year. See what speakers they have lined up for the near future.
  8. Cement those year-long plans – While attending and networking with the speakers, attendees, vendors and librarians you will be able to start planning out your next year of genealogy meetings. Prepare you year ahead of time, why wait til the last-minute?
  9. Learn about what is new in the community – Where else are you going to learn about the latest genealogy gadget or the newest book release. Stay current in the field.
  10. FUN – Conferences are fun, go and join your local society for their next conference and have fun!



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One Comment

  1. It sounds like a feast. Very inviting. As you say, “the learning is endless.” All the feedback and texting on Twitter, from those who go to genealogy conferences, have also persuaded me that attending conferences is a richly rewarding experience, something you can’t just “phone in.” So many conferences every year!

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